Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA)

The Canadian Water Resources Association is a national organization of individuals and organizations interested in the management of Canada's water resources. The membership of the Association is composed of private and public sector water resource professionals including managers, administrators, scientists, academics, students and users. It has branch organizations in eight provinces and members throughout Canada and beyond. The branches have a more regional focus, which allows the Association to provide direct services and activities to members. In June 1997 CWRA celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding in Lethbridge, Alberta. Association activities include organizing conferences, symposiums and workshops dealing with a wide range of water management issues, quarterly publication of Canadian Water Resources Journal and the newsletter, Water News, as well as publishing papers and reports.

CWRA Objectives

* To stimulate awareness and understanding of Canada's water resources * To encourage recognition of the high priority and value of water * To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion relating to the management of Canada's water * To participate with appropriate agencies in international water management activities

Contact Info

280 Albert Street, Suite 900

Ottawa Ontario

Phone: 613-237-9363
Fax: 613-594-5190


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